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Loomy Night Light Christmas Message 2024

Loomy Night Light Christmas Message 2024

Hello Everyone,

Every Christmas, I like to write a quick post to say Merry Christmas to you all, and a great big thank you to each and every one who uses (or has used) Loomy Night Light in the past.

And as it’s that time of year again, here I am once again, with a special thank you to all.

We’ve worked for years on our night light app, and it really does make us so incredibly proud that it has helped so many people around the world get a better nights sleep, to read without waking a sleeping partner, or to help relax and unwind after a stressful day.

You are all amazing, every single one of you.

What to expect this coming year.

I know we haven’t managed to rebrand the iOS version of the app yet. It’s taking much longer than expected and I can only apologise for the delay.

We have since replaced the office Mac with a shiny new MacBook air. This was one of the biggest issues we faced. It was too old and was not able to run the software necessary to create the iPhone version of the app.

I am hoping that we will finally get the iPhone update uploaded in the next few months. Once Christmas is out the way, we will be devoting 100% of our time to getting the update done.

We are also planning to write some new blog posts with advice and information relating to sleeping. As well as some creative uses of our app. These posts will be shared on the Loomy Night Light’s Facebook page, so please like/follow it by clicking the link below.

Follow Loomy Night Light on Facebook by clicking this button

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

That’s me finished once again for the year. I’ll be back in the new year, raring to start work on getting the Apple update finished and uploaded to the app store.

All that’s left for me to do is to once again wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a happy new year from all of us here.